Friday, April 27, 2012

Social Media Meltdown #7: Is Pinterest the Next Facebook


It's obvious that Pinterest is the next big thing but is it the next Facebook? This is the question that all social media marketers and enthusiasts are asking themselves right now. It definitely has the highest traffic increases that we've seen to date, so is it really that outlandish that, in a matter of time, it will take over the social networking world? Or is it outlandish to think Pinterest can compete against the giants in the social media ring?


Join the discussion and learn more at

You can catch Social Media Meltdown live every Tuesday at 7:00pm EST!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Does Your Klout Score Really Matter?

I get asked this question all the time. And honestly, I always say no. Because if you're asking that question then most likely you don't believe in the power the internet has in the hands of one individual.

Basically you Klout score tells a person or company just how much pull you have. It tells if you're influential. It tells if you make an impact. The higher the more important.

This images says it all...

Yes, if his phone doesn't work or his service at a restaurant was crappy he can make sure a lot of people know about it with little to no effort in a blink of an eye. High Klout influencers are a customer service rep's worst nightmare when something goes wrong!

If you're interested in learning more about how much Klout score really says about you (and to see the inspiration for this quick post), check out this Wired article!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Social Media Meltdown #6: Is Social Gaming Ruining Social Media?


The title says it all... Is social gaming ruining the social media experience? In terms of social gaming we're talking about the Farmville, Mafia Wars, and other games of the sort. How do they make you feel? Do they add too much clutter to an already cluttery internet?

Tune in live this Tuesday, and every Tuesday, at 7:00pm EST.

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For show notes and to join the discussion, click here (redirects to

Corporate Regionalization and Community Building Through Social Media


I just completed a paper and presentation, as part of one of my New Media Communications graduate classes, on community building after a corporate regionalization and how social media can be the tie that holds all employees, regardless of location, together.

I hope you enjoy!

Please let me know what you think in the comments!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Apps to Organize Your Life


I've been really busy and stressed with work and school that I've been slacking in the blog department. All of this was inspiration for an entry...

Between meetings, assignments, errands and reminders... a lot happens in your life on a daily basis that you're expected to remember. But if you're like me, there is so much going on so quickly that there is no way you can keep it all straight! But there is one thing that can keep it all together--you phone!

Your phone can be your best friend in times where your life gets almost too hectic to handle through its apps!

There are millions of apps out there that claim to help you organize, simplify and declutter your life but some end up creating more work for you and therefor eating up more of your limited and valuable time.

Here are 5 of my favorite mobile apps that I use to make my life more manageable:

5. Orchestra - There are so many "to do" apps out there today and, frankly, most are junk. Orchestra is great because excellent flexibility, accurate voice recognition, and handy collaborative features.

4. CardManager - Are you hanging on to more business cards than you can handle? Or is your personal phone's contact list filled with professional contacts and making it hard for you to find your loved ones? CardManager is a great app to digitalize your business cards. It allows you to quickly call, email, and find directions using your mobile phone to each contact in the card manager.

3. Mint - Mint is a free finance app that directly links with your banking accounts and credit cards. It keeps track of everything purchase you make and assigns it to a category so you know just how much you spend on "fast food" a month. You can even set monthly budgets for each individual category so you don't over-spend on "beauty products" every month. Mint was also named Best Finance App by the 1st Annual App Awards and TIME Magazine's 50 Best iPhone Apps of 2011.

2. Dropbox - Dropbox is a free service (free with 2gb of storage, paid account for 100gb) that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily by storing them in a cloud environment. You'll never have to email yourself a file again! Dropbox is a universal app, working with Mac, Windows, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android and Blackberry, so files you create at home on the computer can be called up anywhere you've installed Dropbox--or vice versa.

1. Evernote - I brag about Evernote to someone at least once a day (Evernote, you should be paying me for endoresements). Evernote is the greatest note taking application that I have ever tried. Basically if you can see it or hear it Evernote can store it! You can tag notes by subject or create folders to hold all your notes. The best part is that Evernote data is stored in a cloud so you can access your notes on your phone, tablet, or computer... basically anywhere!

Is there something I missed? What app can you not live without?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 8 - 14: Weekly Wrap Up

If you've been living under a rock, here is what's been happening:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Social Media Meltdown #6: Tech's Real Worth


Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you've probably heard about Facebook buying Instagram for $1 Billion. Is this outlandish? Or is this right on par? How do we actually know technology's real worth?

Tune in live here on Tuesday, April 10 at 7:00pm EST!

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To find out more information on the topics we talked about this week or to join the discussion, click here!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Upcoming Attractions!

I have been so busy with work, grad school, and freelance work I've almost forgot to hype some of the new projects that I'm working on with some other awesome people that will be making a huge splash this summer!

Firstly, Girly Nerdy Goodness is making a comeback with Season 4, which is bound to be the best season yet! More fun, more wit, and more of the shenanigans you love!

Second, I'm working on an online book club project that will be launching soon which will feature a monthly book, forum discussions, and other book related awesomeness.

Lastly, along with help from our fellow internet friends, the GNG Girls and I will be launching a new content and media website. It will cover a wide range of subjects, mediums, and be appeal to both a male and female audience. Stay tuned for breaking details in the upcoming weeks!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Social Media Meltdown #5: Password Rights


Have you heard all the recent uproar about employers demanding social networking profile passwords from their employees? We are going to analyze these occurrences, the legalities behind it and try to figure out what we would do if put in this situation.

You can watch Social Media Meltdown every Tuesday at 7:00pm EST. If you missed this week's show you can watch the archived video here:

For the show notes and to join the discussion, visit the original post on!

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 1 - 7: Weekly Wrap Up

Here are the exciting things that happened this week in the ever-changing world of social media and tech:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to Use Twitter to Find a Job (as seen on HotcoursesUSA)

This is part of my monthly social media column on

As May graduation time is approaching, many students are out there looking for their next step--a job. This can be very difficult and sometimes disheartening in this still difficult economy. Previously I gave tips on how to use LinkedIn to find a job, but now I want to examine the use of Twitter.

I just want to come right out and say, Twitter is not the best way of finding and applying for jobs, but there are tools out there that make it possible. Even if they aren't the most effective, Twitter doesn't take long and every little effort counts!

Click here to read more on how to find your dream job using Twitter!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Does Instagram for Android Ruin the App?


Instagram is now available for Android users to download through the Android Market starting today, March 3rd. Since the app first hit the iTunes shelves in 2010, Droids have been patiently awaiting their turn to be wannabe iPhoneographers. Now they have that chance.

Part of Instagram's allure was that it was exclusive to iPhone users... thus bring iPhoneography to a whole new level. It was an app for the iPhone elitists who double as aspiring photographers.

We don't speak the same language.
My first concern with Instagram turning Android was, "They won't understand my Emoji!" But then I got to thinking, I am proud to own an iPhone. It says something about me and the work that I do. My iPhone says I appreciate quality and the beautiful things in life. Instagram is a place where other like-minded iPhoners can group together and proudly show off the beautiful things we see through our 8-megapixel cameras and OlloClips.

We like to suck up each other's awesomeness as iPhone users. We can't get enough of ourselves!

Now Instagram is for common folk. With the network open to Androids I can see the fights coming, "That picture would be better if you had an iPhone!" Or, "My Droid is better than your iPhone!" And that is not what I want to spend my time reading.

I know this must sound so elitist of me but I enjoyed the common-ground of Instagramming and carrying on conversations in the comments using just Emoji... and now I can't. Or I can and just ignore the Androids. But that wouldn't be nice. 

Maybe I'm just not good with change.

What do you think? Did Instagram just ruin its appeal by taking away its exclusivity? Leave your opinion in the comments! By the way, if you didn't gather that this was some what of a joke--with my references to Emoji and by poking fun of a group of people that includes myself-- you should rethink your comment first.


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