I keep on top of things when it comes to my Facebook, though, for that very reason. I am constantly monitoring what people are saying on my wall, what posts I'm tagged in, and what pictures I'm tagged in then if I feel they are unnecessary, I untag myself from them. It's not that I look bad in them or I'm embarrassed by what I'm doing--I don't need to be tagged in the 10 pictures all taken at the same times showing the same scene just on different cameras by different photographers. I also try and keep the less-than-professional shots to a minimum (I don't get rid of all of them though, I'm not ashamed!).
A few weeks back I went to a 1940s Victory Rally as a fundraiser for my city's historical society with a big group of friends, all of which had cameras and were constantly snapping the same group shots over and over. Some I untagged myself from... like this one, which is blurry and showcases my poor posture.
Untagging has become increasingly difficult as of late! Here is everything I had to go through to untag myself...
First I had to click "Report/Remove Tag" to begin the process. This always makes me feel really bad because it sounds really harsh. I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble! I just don't like this picture!
Thankfully Facebook understands how nervous I was and they quickly gave me the choice of just simply untagging the photo without creating drama.
I thought I was done...
Now I need to fill out a survey about what has just happened.
I don't want to just come right out and say I'm vain but come on... I just want this process to be over with!
It's definitely NOT important. I just don't want to be tagged in it. Simple as that.
And finally, I'm done. I just wanted to untag a photo of myself and instead of a 1 second click, I just had to fill out a questionaire and waste 2 minutes of my life.
Any one else annoyed by this and think it's a little excessive?
Excessive is an understatement. Why is this necessary? My only guess is that apparently, Facebook developers look fantastic in every single photo taken of them ever and don't understand that sometimes, you look terrible in photos. It is almost as if they are instigating Facebook drama!
ReplyDelete@peter3jl Exactly! Frankly its none of their business why I don't want to be in a picture. If I want to take official action over a picture, I'll file a complaint. But if I simply just don't want to be tagged in the same picture that 7 different people took, uploaded to FB and tagged me then I shouldn't have to. But instead I have to waste 3 minutes of my life every time I don't want to be in a picture. Sheesh.