Sunday, December 30, 2012

End of the Year Lists

It's that time of year again when everyone feels the need to make a list about things that happened over the previous year. Here are some of my favorite end of year lists:
  • 2012.Twitter - A summary of 2012 on Twitter. Topics including: Golden Tweets, Pulse of the Planet, Only on Twitter, Trends, New Voices, Your Year on Twitter
  • Google's Zeitgeist - 1.2 trillion searches, 146 languages. What did the world search for in 2012?
  • Facebook Year in Review 2012 - A look back at the people, moments and things that created the most buzz in 2012 among the billion people around the world on Facebook.
  • The 10 Most Overused LinkedIn Profile Buzzwords of 2012 - LinkedIn revealed its annual list of the 10 most-overused buzzwords job hunters use on the social network and "creative" was once again at the top of the list both globally and in the U.S.
  • 20 Most Shared Ads of 2012 - Mashable's list of the 20 most shared advertisements

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: December 16 - 22

Just in case the world didn't end and life has gone on, here's what you missed this week while preparing for the end:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: December 9 - 15

Here's what you've missed this week:
  • Square Now Sells Digital Gift Cards - The mobile-payments startup now offers users the option to buy digital gift cards through its Square Wallet app.
  • Twitter To Offer Photo Filters By End Of 2012 - Here’s Twitter’s answer to Instagram’s plans to cut off embedding pictures on Twitter. Twitter, it’s being said, will be rolling out its own photo filters by the end of this year.
  • Instagram Finally Introduces Crop and Scaling Tools - You'll no longer need to open up another app to crop and scale your photo; both can now be done in Instagram with a grid guide overlay. It is also reported that its tilt-shift feature has also been improved to provide "vastly more realistic rendering of depth of field."
  • Google Maps Return to iPhone with New Mobile App - Google Maps returned late Wednesday with the release of the Google Maps' iPhone app. The release comes three months after Apple replaced Google Maps as the device's built-in navigation system and inserted its own maps into the latest version of the operating system.
  • Flickr Updates iPhone App, Adds Filters - An all-new Flickr app was released with bigger picture presentation and the addition of 15 Instagram-like filters to enhance photos within a revised Apple iOS app for the iPhone and iPod touch.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Social Media Meltdown #26: The Rise of Social Customer Service

When was the last time you angrily tweeted about a product or service you were unhappy about? Or maybe you took to Facebook? How many of those angry public posts got you a response from the company's customer service reps? Customer service is a huge, changing market right now with the widespread use of social media as a form of user testimonials. On this episode we will be talking about why this is a genius idea, how it fits into a social media strategy, and some best practices in the industry.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: December 2 - 8

Here's what you've missed this week in the world of social media, tech, and other fun stuff!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Motivational Monday: We're Always Developing

I came across this quote and I thought it was really powerful... then I realized that there are generations alive right now that will have never been able to experience developing film from negatives. Crazy!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Social Media Meltdown #25: Social Shopping

It’s safe to say that everyone is now fully immersed in the holiday shopping season. Did you participate in online Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping? How does social shopping really dictate our online purchases?

Click here for show notes.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: November 25 - December 1

Here's the 411 this week:


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