Tuesday, January 27, 2015

27 Before 28th

Today I'm celebrating my 27th birthday! I spent the last few days celebrating in Florida for a long weekend, swimming with the manatees, but now I'm back at work and to the real world where I'm thinking over my goals for my 28th year on this planet.

**UPDATE from 28th Birthday** Progress indicated in green.
  1. Be more spontaneous. I'm the person who likes to make an hour-by-hour itinerary for trips. Although it's great to be prepared, I'm starting to learn that good things happen when you go with the flow! [I still overly plan trips, but I've learned to live by the seat of my pants (a little bit)]
  2. Read more. [According to Good Reads, I read 8 books which is probably 4 more than last year.]
  3. Take better care of my body. I have been lucky enough to have a fast metabolism my entire life (so far). I'm lucky enough to eat whatever I want, whenever I want and never go to the gym (even though I renew my membership every year). But my whole life people have been telling me, "Don't worry, it will catch up with you" and I don't know if/when that will be so I guess I should start being a little more proactive. [I failed.]
  4. Expand my businesses. More jewelry and more freelanceBusiness is going well!
  5. Learn to drive a manual transmission. [Thanks to the incredible patience of my cousin, Tyler, and my dad I've learned to drive a stick. I still need more practice but that's what the Mustang is for!]
  6. Go camping. In a tent. [Sorta... long story]
  7. Unplug. I need to get better at unplugging at night. Put down the phone, turn off the TV, and just relax. [Some days are good, some days are bad.]
  8. Be more handy around the house. We have so many power tools that I've already learned to use but I'm not very confident in my skills. I'd like to build something. Or learn how to do all those things I still call my dad to help with. [Overall I'm not as far along with this one as I had hoped. Although I did stain our front door instead of hiring someone and it looks amazing!]
  9. Learn to cook. [I failed. But then again can you really fail if you truly have no interest?]
  10. Try a hobby with Juneau. I'd really like to get Juneau involved with urban mushing or into a therapy dog training course. [Neither. However Juneau did start a new round of intermediate training which is a step towards therapy dog training. She graduates next week.]
  11. Keep up with laundry. [This is terribly hard but I'm trying to make it work.]
  12. Stop killing all my house plants. [I have an 60% success rate.]
  13. Try new things. New foods, new activities, new ways of life. [meh.]
  14. Go on more trips. Even if they are just weekend or day trips. We need to get out of the house more. [Summer 2015 was our summer of trips! We kayaked two great lakes, spent some time in the Canadian wilderness, explored Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and hiked Hocking Hills.
  15. Cut the grass. Just once. Just so I can't say, "I've never used a lawnmower" ever again. I don't necessarily have to cut the whole lawn, just a part of it... just enough to count. [Again, does it really count as failing if you really had no interest in ever doing it?]
  16. Have a kick ass greenhouse in my backyard. And not kill all the plants. [Greenhouse? Done! Keep the plants alive? Kinda, sorta.]
  17. Spend some time in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. [We spent some time this summer in the UP and it was amazing. We hiked the Hiawatha National Forest and kayaked Pictured Rocks.]
  18. Worry less. [I try.]
  19. Volunteer more. There are so many people and causes out there that could use more volunteers. [Second year Girl Scout leader going strong!]
  20. Wake up earlier. [I try.]
  21. Learn about more options for investing money. [There's always more to learn here.]
  22. Be more active. More trips to the gym or yoga studio. More long walks or hikes with Juneau. More bike rides. Do anything that keeps the dent I put in the couch cushion this winter from getting any worse. [I really need to get to the gym more.]
  23. Eat breakfast. I know, I know. It's the most important meal of the day but I've never really cared for eating when I first wake up. [This has been going okay. Free bagels at work really helps though.]
  24. Push myself harder in my career but find better balance. [Always actively pushing.]
  25. Geocache more. Geocaching is a great way to get out and get active. It's a great activity for us to do to get with Juneau too and explore new places. [I tried Letterboxing with my Girl Scout troop which is very similar.]
  26. Learn something new. Anything. Last year I learned how to make jewelry and run a business doing so. [I tried woodburning, candle making, and canning.]
  27. Be happy. This isn't something I generally have an issue with but it's nice to remind yourself to leave the past in the past, keep moving forward, and you are in control of your own happiness. [Every day.]

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