Saturday, February 21, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up: February 15-21

Here's what you may have missed this week:
  • Microsoft Officially Launches Azure Machine Learning Platform - You know all that big data that’s streaming into your company from sensors, customers, social media, Excel spreadsheets, and data sources all over the internet? Microsoft wants to help you process all of it, build APIs and make use of that data in the cloud with machine learning technology. And to that end, Microsoft officially announced at the Strata Conference, the general availability of the Azure Machine Learning service for big data processing in the cloud. It also announced some enhancements to the platform since its Beta release in June.
  • Breathometer Now Calls Ubers To Drive The Drunks Home - Breathometer, a blood alcohol level breath analysis startup, and Uber are teaming up to get the drunks home safely. Anyone who registers at the halfway point of the legal limit in California (.04 blood alcohol concentration level) or higher on a Breathometer Breeze device will now be directed to order a cab, Uber or a designated driver to ensure they don’t get behind the wheel when tipsy.
  • Facebook Met Users’ Expectations More Than Other Social Networks - Facebook was the social network that best met customers’ expectations in the new Brand Keys 2015 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, while Facebook-owned WhatsApp topped the list of messaging applications. Leaders in other categories included Pandora for online music, Netflix for online video streaming and Google for search.
  • Facebook Indicating When Friends Have Used Same Hashtag? - Facebook appears to be testing a feature that alerts users who include hashtags when their friends have used the same hashtags.

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