Title: The Pixar Story
Type: documentary
Netflix Synopsis: Go behind the scenes at Pixar Animation Studios with this Emmy-nominated documentary tracing the creation and history of the groundbreaking company and featuring interviews with founders Ed Catmull, John Lasseter and Steve Jobs. Assembling rare Pixar footage and conversations with animators, producers, directors and voice actors, Oscar-nominated filmmaker Leslie Iwerks takes viewers on a fascinating tour of the outfit that forever changed Hollywood animation.
What I Thought: First off, I thought I was a pretty big Steve Jobs fan but apparently I'm not. I had no idea that Mr. Jobs was one of the founders of Pixar. Anyway, back to the actual documentary... it was absolutely amazing. I had no idea how much went into creating one of these films. Pixar employs scientists... that's hardcore. Pixar definitely was no over-night-success story. This film chronicles their slow but steady rise to fame, the obstacles they overcame and how they strive to never repeat themselves from film to film. These animators, producers and directors give Pixar films 100% and that is what I'm giving this film. A must see if you are an artist, computer engineer or just a child at heart.
Rating: / 5
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