Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How To Celebrate Social Media Day 2015 in Michigan

In case you missed it, June 30 is Social Media Day which was started by Mashable in 2010 and continues to be celebrated around the world.

In Michigan we're celebrating Social Media Day hard with our own hashtag #SMDayMI with a campaign lead by Pure Michigan, the state's travel and tourism guru, and supported by Governor Rick Snyder.

Snyder, aka @onetoughnerd, supports #SMDayMI so much that he has proclaimed June 30th Social Media Day statewide in an effort to foster a digitally savvy population that through social media platforms will create a vibrant community for citizens to communicate with each other, universities, organizations and municipalities throughout the world.

In another effort to bring Michiganders together digitally on #SMdayMI +Pure Michigan is hosting a giveaway to celebrate all of the great Michigan companies, brands, and people on Twitter.

@PureMichigan is asking you to take to your Twitter account and tweet about which Michigan-centric social media account is your favorite to follow and why along with the #SMDayMI hashtag. By tweeting your answers you are eligible to win a Pure Michigan sweatshirt. Who doesn't love free stuff?

If Snapchat is more your thing, check out the new Pure Michigan Snapchat account (@pure-michigan). They're promising great snaps from all over the Mitten, delivered right to your phone. So if you're like me, stuck inside at a desk, you can now live the Michigan adventure life vicariously through Pure Michigan.

Looking for more great ways to keep up with everything Michigan on social media? Check out these suggestions thanks to #SMDayMI:

Follow more of the #SMDayMI party on Twitter all day long for lots of great goodies!

Detroit Social Media Day 2015

Happy Social Media Day! 

Mashable launched Social Media Day in 2010 as a way to recognize and celebrate social media's impact on global communication. While every day is essentially Social Media Day, June 30, 2015 marks the sixth-annual official global celebration.

In past years, meet-ups happened all over the world. celebrating Social Media Day, including those in Egypt, Spain, and San Diego. In fact, every year we have celebrated in Detroit with a rocking event. This year was no different!

Hosted by Social Media Association of Michigan (SMAMi) at MotorCity Casino & Hotel's SoundBoard, Social Media Day Detroit was held on Friday, June 26. The event kicked off with a great panel discussion about Detroit and technology and social media.

The panel was originally supposed to be focused on new ways to use technology to solve some of Detroit's problems, but it evolved into a deeper discussion about what those specific problems are and how they impact people’s lives. The esteemed panel included:

Wish you could have attended last week's Social Media Day Detroit panel discussion? You're in luck! Our friends over at IT in the D recorded the discussion. Click on the button below to start streaming the panel discussion.

After the panel discussion we had a great time celebrating and networking with each other.

As an added bonus, Governor, Rick Synder, has officially proclaimed June 30 as Social Media Day as a day of recognition in the State of Michigan.

The proclamation states we will celebrate June 30 as Social Media Day...

  • WHEREAS, social media platforms have created a vibrant community for citizens to communicate with each other, universities, organizations and municipalities throughout the world; and,
  • WHEREAS, state of Michigan leadership, departments, and programs have established a standard of excellence in social media communications, providing unprecedented customer service and transparency to constituents; and,
  • WHEREAS, usage of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to provide interactive and effective means of messaging has evolved into real time event coverage, ideation, user generated content and a more participatory government; and,
  • WHEREAS, Social Media Day, a globally recognized event, allows individuals to gather physically and virtually to celebrate the advancements of technology, information and interaction; and,
  • WHEREAS, on this day, we recognize Michigan's social media users and we raise awareness of the important service these channels provide in government, business and education;
  • NOW, THEREFORE, I, Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim June 30, 2015 as Michigan Social Media Day.
So since it's official... go forth and social!

How are you celebrating Social Media Day? I'd love to hear in the comments. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

THIS FRIDAY: Social Media Day Detroit at MotorCity Casino

Don't forget about this Friday's event in Detroit!

June 26, 2015 marks the date of the 6th annual Social Media Day celebration taking place in Detroit—bringing together influencers and innovators to talk about social media, Detroit, and technology’s ultimate role in a re-surging city’s success—hosted by the Social Media Association of Michigan (SMAMi).

The event will begin with a roundtable discussion on "Technology’s Role in a Resurging City.” Special guests will be notable tech entrepreneurs, agency executives, and public sector leaders who will all speak to the important role social media and technology has on Detroit’s success and public perception, locally and around the world. The featured guests, all notable Detroiters, include:

Following the roundtable is the public event, themed “Modern Motown,” honoring Detroit-bred innovations interwoven with traditions to make up our remarkable city. As a DJ spins classic Motown music blended with modern techno beats attendees will be able to enjoy interactive technology-focused experiences. This year's performers include:

  • T Baby of "It's So Cold in the D"
  • Mechanical Heart, formerly known as Electric Lion Sound Wave Experiment
  • Charles "Spudd" Spence will be our DJ for the evening
This year’s Detroit Social Media Day will take place at the MotorCity Casino and Hotel SoundBoard, which has previously hosted several of the past Social Media Day events.

For more information, to review the full agenda, and to reserve your tickets, visit www.smami.org or click here to view the Detroit Social Media Day EventBrite page

About the Social Media Association of Michigan
The Social Media Association of Michigan was founded in 2012 with the mission "to promote social media as an impactful communication vehicle through state-wide education, adoption of social platforms and dissemination of successful social media solutions in public and private sectors." SMAMi Members are Michigan-based organizations, professionals, and students with a strong interest in leveraging social media successfully. For more information and to join our mailing list for event related announcements, please visit www.smami.org.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why Guest Bloggers Are Your Brand’s Best Friend

Guest posting is a great way to get additional exposure for your brand and website! If done correctly, guest blogging can substantially increase relevant and targeted traffic to your site, which in turn can result in more customers and clients.

What is Guest Blogging?

First off, let's all get on the same page about guest blogging. Guest blogging or guest posting means publishing articles written by someone else who is not associated with your brand on your brand's website or blog.

The Benefits of Guest Blogging

Cost Effective
Some bloggers will want to write for the experience and exposure, while other writers want to be compensated. If you don't have the budget to pay for writers, search out writers who are building portfolios and would do it for free. Or consider paying your writers in free product (this is a good way to build your clientele, too).

Fresh Perspective
By allowing fresh voices to blog on your brand's behalf, you will grow a more diverse blog and audience with minimal effort. Your audience will enjoy and respect this new perspective as you both widen your horizons.

Increased Credibility & Trust
You may know a lot about your particular industry, but you don’t know everything about everything else. By branching out and diversifying your blog's content, you are widening your knowledge base and reach which increases your credibility on a wider range of topics by a wider range of people. Also, it is proven that consumers trust peer reviews more than they trust the brand's messaging. Use your bloggers to become brand ambassadors, gaining the trust of your audience.

For more information on how guest blogging can increase your site's SEO results and exposure as well as foster a healthy relationship with experts, what red flags to watch out for, and examples of brands doing guest blogging right, click here to read this post on my site, www.katelyndavis.com.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How To Celebrate Social Media Day

Happy Social Media Day!
aka June 30th

By now you may or may not have heard about Mashable's sanctioned Social Media Day "holiday," which has been celebrated annual for six years running.

Mashable launched Social Media Day in 2010 as a way to recognize and celebrate social media's impact on global communication.

Attend a Social Media Day Meetup
There are hundreds of Social Media Day events happening around the world including those in Egypt, Spain, Las Vegas and San Diego so changes are there is a meetup taking place close to you. Use Mashable's tools to find local events. These are great places to meet and network with like-minded people and ultimately nerd-out over social media.

Thow a Social Media Day Party
If there isn't an event in your area, plan one! It might be too late now but you could always start planning for next year's event! Use the Mashable Meetup Organizers group for guidance.

But if you're like us in Detroit, we celebrated Social Media Day early so there isn't any organized event taking place on June 30. Here are some other options:

The Hashtag
Use the hashtag #SMday on Twitter to follow along with everything that is happening before and on June 30, Social Media Day. You can also follow @MashableEvents for a sneak speak of what's happening.

Join Mashable's Meetup Coordinators group on Facebook to learn more about all of the meetups that are taking place as well as initiatives for this year. You can network here too! If you are the one planning an event, this is also a great place for ideas.

Mashable has been nice enough to provide a toolkit for marketers or anyone working on anything Social Media Day related. This free, digital toolkit if full of logos and other goodies you may need.

Have any other great ideas for how to spend this year's Social Media Day? Leave them in the comments below.

What It Is Like To Be Mentoring The Next Gen of Female Leaders

Last week my Girl Scout troop said "see you later" to each other as we concluded our first season of Scouting. As the girls left with all their badges and certificates, I was very proud of what we accomplished this year.

I am asked a lot why I decided to be a Girl Scout Leader and a lot of it had to do with feeling like I needed to use my good to empower young girls to be strong and to accomplishing something great.

My Journey

In my very short career I've worked my way from the world's largest privately-owned global companies to one of the leaders in the world's oldest and largest consumer industry. I've managed to do this all while running two of my own businesses and finding time to give back to the community. And in my last performance appraisal, I was regarded as "wise and professional beyond her years." But it wasn't until I was awarded, by the Michigan Business and Professionals Association, with the One Person Wonder award that I began thinking about how I got this far in only my early twenties.

About a year or so ago I was catching wind about the Girl Scout organization losing members and losing adult support for the programs. Girl Scouting was also losing funding because of the dwindling memberships. They were closing camps and ending initiatives.

I was a Girl Scout for about 10 years. It's not something I was never embarrassed about but sadly I never highlighted it or talked about my experiences. I remember all the great times I had in Scouts and I began thinking that maybe it was the key to my accomplishments—or at least responsible for my drive and determination.

Girl Scouting Works

Girl Scouting has long been known for its extraordinary effects on girls—both during and beyond troop involvement. In fact, 3 of every 4 girls say that because of Girl Scouts they have become a leader in more activities with their friends, classmates, and their communities.

The statistics prove that Girl Scouting has a lasting effect on women throughout their lives. When women were polled about how they felt about their professional accomplishments, 71% of Girl Scout alumni consider themselves competent and capable, compared to only 55% of non-alumni who feel the same. Also, Girl Scout alumni report higher incomes than those women never involved in Scouting.

And the accomplishments of Girl Scout alumni as individuals are astounding. In fact, 2/3 of U.S. Congresswomen were once Girl Scouts, at least 80% of women business owners were Girl Scouts, and nearly every female astronaut who has flow into space was a Girl Scout.

Empowering Girls to Lead

After reading up on staggering statistics of Girl Scouting success and hearing of the organization's struggles, I knew I had to do something. So I called the Girl Scout Council and started a troop of Brownies, 2nd and 3rd graders.

I know nothing about teaching children, and I don't pretend to, so I enlisted the help of my my cousin Abby, an elementary school teacher and fellow former Girl Scout, to co-lead the troop.

Together we built a curriculum that was fun but also provided them with valuable life skills, confidence, and knowledge that follows in line with the Girl Scouting values of discovery, making connections, and taking action. These three values make up the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Through a program centered around the Girl Scout Leadership Experience—a collection of activities and experiences including earning badges, selling cookies, exciting trips, exploring the outdoors, and making a difference—our young girls are able to get a jump start on leadership qualities.

To add to this complexity, Girl Scouting isn't just about "what girls do" but "how" they do them. And Girl Scouting focuses and stresses that troop programs need to be "Girl Led," meaning girls play an active part in figuring out the what, where, when, how, and why of their activities. In partnership with the leaders, girls lead the planning and decision-making as much as possible. This ensures that girls are engaged in their learning and experience leadership opportunities as they prepare to become active participants in their local and global communities.

Through Girl Scouting, they're able to develop and grow their critical thinking, team building, conflict resolution, and acceptance skills from a young age that take them far beyond the skill sets of their peers.

Our Journey, Together

Our troop, which consisted of nine 2nd and 3rd graders, prided ourselves on the overall qualities of being a Brownie:

B brave R reliable O observant W wide-awake N nice to know I industries and innovative E enthusiastic S sensible

Our troop was in session for about nine months this season and within those nine months we saw dramatic changes in our girls that are in line with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Girls gain practical life skills.
A lot of people think Girl Scout Cookies Sales are just a fundraiser but it's so much more! Did you know the Girl Scout Cookies program is the largest girl-led business in the world? And that it teaches and builds some of the most important business skills the girls will use their entire lives? Through Cookie sales the girls practice goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. Even our girls, 2nd and 3rd graders, learned and practiced daily "elevator speeches" and perfected their sales pitches to be used individually and during our troop cookie booths. We worked on our math skills by totaling orders, making change, and keeping an inventory of what cookies we had in stock. We also mastered customer service by making sure every girl was courteous, polite, helpful and knowledgeable about the product.

Girls seek challenges in the world.
During one of our meetings, we asked our girls where their favorite foods come from and the majority of the troop answered with "the grocery store." After that we took the next several weeks to focus on where our food comes from and how it is prepared. We visited a dairy farm to see how milk, cheeses, and ice cream is made and to learn to milk a cow. We used a juicer to make our own fresh and all-natural juices from apples and oranges. And we visited a local pizza place to learn about what goes into making everyone's favorite food! All of this was a lesson to show that fresh foods, straight from the source is always a better and healthier option. To help the girls get closer to their food source, our troop started a community garden plot to grow our own vegetables.

Girls advance diversity in a multicultural world.
Our troop was made of up girls from all types of backgrounds including family structure type, economical status, special needs, and ethnicity. The girls are all very open about who they are and where they come from and none of them saw each other any differently because to them we are all Girl Scouts.

Girls feel connected to their communities.
Our first show of support for our local community and the Girl Scouting sisterhood was though a public display during the local Christmas Parade. They walked alongside our banner and waved to the community, proudly representing Girl Scouts. To become even more involved in the community, the girls joined the local community garden where they have a plot of land to grow their own vegetables so they can continue learning about where our food comes from and how it is prepared.

Girls advocate for themselves and/or others.
Amidst all the fun and exciting activities, we suffered the loss of one of our Scout's parents. Despite everything she was going through, the one place she wanted to be was at Girl Scouts. The sisterhood and support the girls provided is amazing!

An Honor to Lead

Now that our first scouting season has come to an end, I couldn't be more pleased with what we've accomplished. And it doesn't help that we are getting a lot of great feedback from our parents too.

Just think, one day, one of these girls could be the next industry leader, Nobel Peace Prize winner, President, or groundbreaking scientist. They could change the world. The possibilities are endless. These girls are our future. So to be a part of this organization and to work with these girls, is an honor and a privilege.

To learn more about Troop 7169 and to watch them grow and learn, follow us on Facebook.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Detroit Celebrates Technology's Role in the City's Renaissance at World-Renowned Social Media Day Event

Social Media Association of Michigan is proud to bring the 6th Annual Social Media Day presented by Mashable
to Detroit’s MotorCity Casino and Hotel.

June 26, 2015 marks the date of the 6th annual Social Media Day celebration taking place in Detroit—bringing together influencers and innovators to talk about social media, Detroit, and technology’s ultimate role in a re-surging city’s success—hosted by the Social Media Association of Michigan (SMAMi).

Mashable, the leading source for news, information, and resources for the Connected Generation, launched Social Media Day as an annual event in 2010 as a way to recognize the digital revolution happening right before our eyes. Each year, thousands of people organize hundreds of meetups across the globe. From Australia to the Philippines, all the way to Sri Lanka and Morocco, countries come together every June to participate in this global movement.

Detroit’s event will begin with a roundtable discussion on "Technology’s Role in a Resurging City.” Special guests will be notable tech entrepreneurs, agency executives, and public sector leaders who will all speak to the important role social media and technology has on Detroit’s success and public perception, locally and around the world.

“The goal is to bring together people from all walks of life for an opportunity to connect their online networks offline, in a face-to-face setting, bringing communities closer together.” said Sola Obayan, SMAMi President.

Following the roundtable is the public event, themed “Modern Motown,” honoring Detroit-bred innovations interwoven with traditions to make up our remarkable city. As a DJ spins classic Motown music blended with modern techno beats attendees will be able to enjoy interactive technology-focused experiences.

This year’s Detroit Social Media Day will take place at the MotorCity Casino and Hotel SoundBoard, which has previously hosted several of the past Social Media Day events.

“We are very excited to have this event hosted by MotorCity Casino and Hotel,” said Obayan. “This is a world-class venue, perfect for the world-class discussions coming out of Detroit.”

For more information, to review the full agenda, and to reserve your tickets, visit www.smami.org or click here to view the Detroit Social Media Day EventBrite page. Interested in sponsoring, visit the sponsorship page for more information.

About the Social Media Association of Michigan
The Social Media Association of Michigan was founded in 2012 with the mission "to promote social media as an impactful communication vehicle through state-wide education, adoption of social platforms and dissemination of successful social media solutions in public and private sectors." SMAMi Members are Michigan-based organizations, professionals, and students with a strong interest in leveraging social media successfully. For more information and to join our mailing list for event related announcements, please visit www.smami.org.


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