Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Ultimate Best and Worst of Social Media and Marketing in 2014

There are so many lists out there for "Best of," "Worst of," and the list goes on, for 2014. So here is my ultimate lists of all lists.

5 Marketing Trends That Didn't Go Well in 2014 by Entrepreneur
2014 was an innovative year for marketing, but let’s face it: a lot of trends didn’t pan out. In the interest of cleaning our slate for 2015, it’s time we review these failed strategies and tools that will soon be irrelevant.
5 Things We Learned about Facebook in 2014 by Digiday
Media and tech pundits have for years prophesied that Facebook was “the future of media,” a tool that would one day become the backbone of the interner. Facebook came closer than ever before to that vision in 2014, as the social network proved that even the simplest of changes to its news feed algorithm could send advertisers, agencies and publishers scrambling for or basking in referral traffic lost or gained.

The Best and Worst Brands on Social Media in 2014 by Digiday
Fiat, Yamaha and Burton had a great year in social media, while American Airlines remained stalled out on the tarmac, according to a new study by Sprinklr, a social media management firm. Using its social index — an analysis platform that measures social media performances of over 35,000 brands using 11 different metrics on over a dozen social networks — Sprinklr has identified the brands that have both most and least improved their performances on social media in 2014.

The 13 Biggest Brand Fails of 2014 by AdWeek
The year's silliest, scariest and stupidest screw-ups. What were they thinking? That's about all you ask from the marketers on this list of 2014 brand fails, which run the gamut from arrogant to sexist to obscene to just plain stupid. Settle in and get your annual dose of ad-enfreude from these deliciously embarrassing marketing moments.

Stay tune as I keep updating it through the end of the year.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Katelyn Davis, One Person Wonder

This week I was honored as the recipient of The Michigan Business and Professionals Association's the Best of MichBusiness award as a "One Person Wonder" for my work/life balance between my career at Ford Motor Company and Team Detroit in Corporate Communications, freelancing in social media and public relations, owning and designing for Urban Solstice, and my volunteer and community work as a 313Dlove Board Member and a Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan Troop Leader.

To me, it still seems crazy that I am able to keep all these balls up in the air at once and I'm thrilled that it has been recognized by my peers for it. Sometimes I just think I'm crazy for never saying no to a project and for always wanted to try something new but as it turns out, I'm not crazy at all and people admire the trait.

I'm really just thankful for all the amazing people I've been able to surround myself who are passionate, who never look at me like I'm crazy, who challenge me to be the best possible version of myself, and who are always there to lend a helping hand.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Can Detroit Really Rebound Without National Support?

There are so many people and groups supporting Detroit and truly making a difference these days. They're righting wrongs and making Detroit a better place and most are not asking for any credit. They are humble. We are humble. We just do what needs to be done to make our City a better place.

But if we're not screaming our story from the mountain tops for all to hear then someone else is. And what if their message is contradictory to ours? What if what they're saying makes it seem like our work doesn't even exist? What if this person that is narrating our story, for all to hear, is the mass media with national, maybe even global, platforms?

But can Detroit really rebound without national support?

Locally, it's easy to find a positive story about Detroit. Our local reporters are good at being fair and supportive of the changes taking place in the City. But when you start looking at national news about Detroit, it's all destruction and despair.

National news coverage is fighting against Detroit's revival, tooth and nail. The City has come so far, and sure we still have a very long way to go, but for every national news story that bashes Detroit the further we're set back from becoming a respected success story.

For example, take this Weather.com post that was published late last month, on October 29, 2014--a promo for a Weather Channel show called Secrets of the Earth. It describes a place of destruction, "a battlefront in the eternal war between man and nature" caused by "the exodus of people and business" which according to them "has left thousands of abandoned buildings now being reclaimed by nature." Intrigued? I was... this sounds like a mix of two of my favorite TV shows Life After People and Revolution, a little bit documentary a little bit sci-fi.

However this piece is titled "The Earth Reclaims Creepy, Abandoned Buildings of Detroit" and it is indeed about the City of Detroit.

It includes a short video plus 30 photos of specific locations they claim to being abandoned and being reclaimed by Mother Earth. Sadly, some of these claims are true however many are accusations that undermine the blood, sweat, and tears (not to mention money) of a bunch of do-gooders.

The Weather Channel Should be Ashamed

First off, Detroit is not an "exodus of people and business." A mere three days before this story was published Fifth Third Bank announced it was moving it's headquarters to downtown Detroit to join the droves of other big businesses including Quicken Loans and Blue Cross Blue Shield, just to name of few.

In addition, of the 30 locations of Detroit featured in this Weather Channel piece, here are the most alarming misrepresentations along with proper pictures to accompany them:

#2 & #9 The Packard Plant
A property so big, they had to list it twice! Just days before Weather.com posted this article, construction began at the massive, abandoned Packard Plant on Detroit's east side as part of an estimated $500 million redevelopment, which is expected to take 10 to 15 years to complete. It has taken a very long time to secure a developer to under take such a huge job and a lot of time and money is being put forward into cleaning up this factory, restoring the historic Albert Kahn design, and creating a functional space.

#8 Wilbur Wright High School
The photo of Wilbur Wright High School featured by the Weather Channel is embarrassingly old. In 2010 the Wilbur Wright High School at Rosa Parks and Grand Boulevard in Detroit was demolished and the site was cleaned up. All that remains now is a grassy field.

#15 Jane Cooper Elementary School
This one I'm not entirely sure how it made the list, as it was only abandoned for only a few years. In 2007, the decision was made to close Jane Cooper Elementary School, in which asbestos abatement began in the summer of 2009 and by 2010 the school was completely demolished.

#17 Luben Apartments
This one has a sad story. This what was once a glorious, castle-like building, turn abandon building caught fire back in 2010 after which it was immediately torn down and no longer exists. I guess if you consider the whole ashes to ashes, dust to dust thing being reclaimed by nature then sure, this one could make the list.

#18 St. Albertus School
Yes, this school is vacant and it has been vacant for some time, but it's not abandoned and it is definitely not being reclaimed by nature. Initially the owners of the church wanted to convert it into a senior citizen home, but have not yet done so. Church members keep a close eye on the school, securing it as best they can and keep the inside clean of debris regularly. The auditorium still retains much of its original beauty, though the paint has started to peel and some plaster has fallen. The hallways and classrooms are always swept clean. This isn't abandonment, this is a group of people doing the best they can with what they have available.

#20 Cass Tech High School
This is one of the most disturbing implications. The picture featured by the Weather Channel came from the old Cass Tech High School which closed its doors when the new Cass Tech campus opened next door. The old school remained vacant while the property was slowly demolished. This picture undermines what a great, world class school this is. Cass Technical High School is a four-year university preparatory high school. Cass offers eleven advanced placement courses including language composition, history, chemistry, calculus, and physics. Students are required to maintain a 2.5 grade point average, which is well above the average for other Detroit schools. Cass Tech students' strong academic performances draw recruiters from across the country, including Ivy League representatives eager to attract the top minority applicants. It is a crown jewel of Detroit Public Schools.

#25 National Bank of Detroit
The picture featured from the Weather Channel is of the National Bank of Detroit building which is now known as The Cube. The Cube is the Quicken Loans' operations center. In April 2011, Quicken Loans bought the building, renamed it the Qube, renovated it into an amazingly colorful and innovative workplace, and relocated 4,000 of the company's employees to the facility. In August 2014, the Southfield-based ABC affiliate, WXYZ-TV, moved into the Qube; its new location now includes satellite studio and newsroom facilities. Quicken founder and chairman Dan Gilbert is huge supporter of Detroit's business economy.

#26 The David Whitney Building
For this one to have made the list, I'm sure was shocking to anyone who had been paying attention to Detroit news over the few days prior. It was announced the week prior that the 19-story David Whitney Building, built-in 1915 and vacant since 1999, had been undergoing an extensive $92 million remodeling to restore it to its former glory and was nearing completion and they unveiled pictures of the restored lobby. I'm sure making this list was a huge blow to morale. Read more about the renovation here.

#28 David Broderick Tower
The beautiful David Broderick Tower (my favorite of the Detroit skyline) is in the middle of a more than $50 million restoration to the 34-story tower to bring luxury living to the heart of downtown Detroit. It is far from being reclaimed by nature.

#30 An Abandoned Woodward Avenue
Anyone who has ever spent any time in Detroit should know that Woodward is one of the most vibrant and bustling areas of Detroit thanks to professional sports at Comerica Park and Ford Field, the events at Campus Martius, gorgeous apartments and lofts, and plenty of shopping and restaurants. They've even began construction on a street car system for mass transportation that moves along Woodward. This street is anything but dead.

Yes, we have blight. Detroit is filled with abandoned buildings but we are also home to brilliant thinkers and doers who are transforming Detroit into a better place, corporate headquarters for world renowned companies, the automotive industry, Hockeytown, and a tech industry that is outpacing national hubs like Silicon Valley. There are a lot of people and companies here that are working very hard and spending a lot of money to turn Detroit around.

All this article did was undermine the hard work of many and perpetuate a negative stereotypefor that, the Weather Channel should be ashamed.

Changing the Conversation In Order to Succeed

In order for Detroit to truly succeed, we need to change the conversation that is taking place about Detroit. It is one thing to give our "elevator speeches" to strangers we come across on the street to try and change their perception about Detroit but we need strive for a national platform.

If members of national media actually visited Detroit, rather than Google image searched Detroit, they would find that we are much more than run down buildings and corruption. If the Weather Channel would have even spent a day in Detroit they would have realized how wrong their segment on Detroit is and what damage it is doing to the City's reputation. But the media isn't visiting Detroit so it is up to us to change the conversation.

Detroit is rebuilding, physically and emotionally, and it is time to stop being humble. We need to share our stories with the world. We need that national and worldwide attention. We need others to view us how we view ourselves.

We need their help in rebuilding our reputation because at the end of the day it doesn't matter what we think about ourselves, it's what others think of us.

Go forth and say nice things about Detroit.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up: October 26 - November 1

Here's what you may have missed in the social media world this week while you were hopped up on Halloween candy:
  • Twitpic Will Stay Alive as Read-Only Twitter-Owned Archive - Twitpic, which was due to close down completely on October 25th, has reached an agreement with Twitter to allow the service to continue, albeit in read-only mode.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook: 'I'm proud to be gay' - Apple CEO Tim Cook has, for the first time, written publicly about his sexual orientation in an essay published in Businessweek on Thursday. "I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me."
  • Taco Bell Leaves Social Media - The fast food chain blacked out its Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube accounts on Tuesday in an effort to promote the launch of its new mobile ordering and payment app.
  • Taylor Swift Removes All Albums From Spotify - Taylor Swift has apparently removed all of her albums from popular music-streaming service Spotify. In a statement posted on Spotify’s website, the company said it was trying to get her to change her mind.
And here are some great resources from other bloggers:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What's the Deal with Facebook's New Rooms App

Just a few days ago, Facebook unleashed its newest app to users, Rooms.

This unveiling comes on the heels of what seems like a retreat from Messagner, the FB app for using the sites Chat feature which has undergone scrutiny since it was released and forced upon users. It appears now, users can once again message friends through the native Facebook app.

Rooms, Facebook's much-anticipated anonymous social app, hit the iTunes store last week. The app allows people to create a "room" on any topic, similar to a message board. The room can then be customized with colors, icons and photos. Text, photos and videos can be posted to a room's feed, creating an ongoing multimedia conversation.

The goal, according to the app's blog, is to transfer the utility of message boards to the mobile world.

The app embraces anonymity, allowing users to sign in with "whatever name makes you feel most comfortable and proud." Users can create different names for each room they join.

Rooms can be shared through invitations that look like QR codes. You take a picture of the invitation, and the app scans your recent photos for the QR code and signs you into the room.

The invitation process means each room can be as public or private as its owner and members wish. The invite codes can be posted anywhere online or share just among a select group of people.

Each room can also be customized to a certain level of privacy, including whether or not the room's post can be discovered on search.

Going Nostalgic
The app, which was created by a team led by Josh Miller over the last six months, introduces a new twist on the chat rooms of yesteryear. To anyone born before 1990, Rooms will feel very familiar. Essentially, it's a retro reboot Web 1.0 platforms where people gathered to discuss their interests or like-minded topics. It's the first Facebook-designed app that has taken a page out of the history books to alter the way we communicate today — to the web we used to have, before Snapchat and Twitter and Facebook itself changed the way we communicated. The similarities are not an accident. Miller says he consulted with the proprietors of Web 1.0 communities while building Rooms in an attempt to capture some of the atavistic intrigue of those early boards while keeping the space safe from trolls and harassers.

Although Facebook claims to have had Rooms in development for quite a long time, other outside developers are claiming Facebook stole this idea. There is a long history of alleged idea-stealing on Facebook's part however we may never know for certain if that is the case here. Damien Rottemberg, an app developer launched his app, Room, in September. That's right, the singular form of room. Both apps are inspired by chat rooms and message boards popular in the early days of the internet. Rottemberg claims he and business partner Frank-David Colon have been developing Room since December, and met with venture capitalists in New York and Silicon Valley in March. Rottemberg applied in March for a trademark for Room, and the application is still pending. Coincidence?

Future of Anonymity on the Internet
The new Facebook app is a place where you can chat with other like-minded people about most anything, from theatrical stage shows to wearable technologies, and because users are not required to use their real name, everyone has the freedom to express themselves in ways they wouldn’t have on the main Facebook app. But at the same time, Facebook has committed to policing these rooms at the lowest level possible and if anything offensive appears within a room—hate speech, threats, spam, or graphic content—moderators or Facebook can take it down. Although this may seem like a powerplay against other popular anonymous message boards like Reddit, due to it's monitoring and policies, Rooms is blazing a new trail for online anonymity. Hopefully this will prove to be a safer trail. 

I have only started to dip my toes into these new communities. I look forward to providing a comprehensive review once I've been able to get some hands-on experience.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

MichBusiness: One Person Wonder

I am very excited to announce that in a few weeks I will be honored as the recipient of The Michigan Business and Professionals Association's the Best of MichBusiness award, "One Person Wonder," for my work/life balance between my career at Ford Motor Company and Team Detroit in Corporate Communications, freelancing in social media and public relations, owning and designing for Urban Solstice (my jewelry company), and my volunteer and community work as a 313Dlove Board Member and a Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan Troop Leader.

I'm really just thankful for all the amazing people I've been able to surround myself who are passionate, who never look at me like I'm crazy, and who are always there to lend a hand.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Too Bad Michigan's Auto Industry Isn't Listening to Socrates

Today I was inspired by a Socrates quote which is helping me to deal with some feels I'm feeling.

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."

Sounds so simple, right?

Yesterday Gov. Rick Snyder signed a bill that ensures Tesla Motors, the Silicon Valley automaker, can't sell cars directly to consumers in Michigan, which was heavily supported by Michigan's powerful auto dealer lobby.

There are a plethora of "reasons" however the main thorn in their side comes from Tesla wanting to sell cars through "stores" instead of franchised dealers, which today is the standard of the automotive industry. No other automakers do this. Supporters argue Michigan should have a business environment where all participants play by a common set of rules.

This is the silliest thing I've ever heard.

A "common set of rules" will suppress competitiveness, which is the backbone of businesses. It will suppress innovation based on fear of the same banishment and because innovation and change have now been made unnecessary for a successful business. And without a culture based on innovation, Michigan has just suppressed the automotive industry, its pride and joy.

Just because we didn't do it first doesn't mean it isn't a good idea. 

Business and the industry need to keep up with the needs and lifestyles of a new generation, a generation that is far different and complex from anything else we've seen. Those who are unwilling to change to meet their demands, will be pushed aside.

Just because we didn't do it first doesn't mean we can't do it better.

If the industry spent half as much time, energy, resources, and money on change as they have on fighting the new model, maybe they would have been able to develop a competitive solution that could have, once again, put Detroit's auto industry on the map.

In the words of, Detroit billionaire, Dan Gilbert on the ban: "Why don't you man up and compete like everybody else does?"

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up: October 12 - 18

Here's what you may have missed this week:

  • Netflix Leads In U.S. Digital Video Subscriptions In Home And Among Millennials - A survey out on video viewing habits found that Netflix is the leading brand among U.S. households that subscribe to paid digital video subscription services, and it’s also the leading subscription service among the much-coveted Millennial, 18-34 year-old, demographic.
  • Mark Zuckerberg Drops $100 Million on Hawaiian Property - The 30-year-old Facebook founder recently purchased 700 acres of property on the North Shore of the island of Kauai, according to a Forbes report.
  • Skype Launches A New Video Messaging App For The Mobile - First Era, Skype Qik - Instead of focusing on live video calls and instant messaging-like chats, Skype Qik is designed around asynchronous video messaging – that is, mobile video messages you create and share with others who may not be online at the same time as you.
  • Stickers Launch on Facebook - Brace yourself: The stickers are coming to Facebook. Those adorable graphics or cartoons of special characters have, up until now, lived only in messages to friends on Messenger. But people will soon be able to share them in comments on posts from people, in groups, and on events, Facebook announced Monday.
  • Report: Thousands of Snapchat pics leaked online - It appears hackers have followed through on plans to leak thousands of pictures and videos from messaging service Snapchat. According to The Guardian, video and pictures from as many as 200,000 users were posted online over the weekend, after reports surfaced Friday that hackers were planning a leak.
  • Fitbit has new 'Charge' fitness trackers on the way - Gizmodo has obtained marketing materials that reveal a new Fitbit Charge, which looks more or less like a Force clone, and another model called Charge HR.
  • HBO is finally going to let you watch its shows without cable - Starting next year, you'll finally be able to watch HBO on the web without a cable subscription. In a dream come true for cord cutters, HBO CEO Richard Plepler has confirmed the company plans to launch a "standalone, over-the-top" HBO Go subscription offering at some point in 2015.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

7 Best Examples of Brands Using Hyperlapse

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you've heard of and saw about Instagram's newest feature Hyperlapse.

There are a ton of great videos out there from brands, but there are a select few that are actually putting some planning into their videos and executing them to perfection. This careful use of resources is leading them to the holy land of engagement with their audiences in awe!

Below are some of my selections for the best brand examples of Hyperlapse:

The Detroit Institute of Arts
With something like an art museum where people pay to see the art, you don't want to just give it away for free on your social media accounts. One way to still entice your audience is by offering them a behind the scenes look at logistics behind what the visitors get to see. The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) does a great job of this!

Take a look at this #hyperlapse of our team de-installing Detroit—Bruce Weber.
Don’t miss our next exhibition Ordinary People by Extraordinary Artists:
Works on Paper by Degas, Renoir and Friends, which opens September 19.

Final preparations being made for the
Ordinary People by Extraordinary Artists:
Works on Paper by Degas, Renoir and Friends exhibition
which opens on September 19th.

Note: I might be a little biased of the second video because it features and was made by my boyfriend, Marc Langlois (@marcxlanglois).

The White House
What's better than getting an inside peak of one of the country's most important and influential buildings! Actually, the only thing that could have been better is if we could have had a celebrity cameo from the First Dog.

Want to walk around the White House? Take a 15-second tour right now!

The geniuses over at Nickelodeon are really taking advantage of droves of children that have been flocking to Instagram with this inside look at how the magic happens. It also doubles as somewhat of a tutorial for how to draw the famous sponge.

A Spongebob artists at work in the Nickelodeon Animation Studio! 
Can you draw Spongebob Squarepants as fast as she can?
Teen Vogue
What's a better way to sell a dying medium, printed media, to young people than by giving them a flash of what they're missing?! This video leaves teen girls everywhere thinking, "I've gotta have it."

We test drove Hyperlapse with our September issue!

National Geographic
The wilderness never looked so fun and tech friendly as it does in this video from Nat Geo during their trip to Yellowstone National Park. Also, you can't help but think about how cute those bison are!

The roads that run through Yellowstone National Park are often roadblocked
with roaming bison and other wandering wildlife. This is what my morning
commute looks like while on assignment for National Geographic Magazine
in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This time-lapse video was created by
David Guttenfelder @dguttenfelder for @natgeo.
Naked Juice
You know what they say... sex sells! And with a name like NAKED how can you not capitalize on media's favorite medium, bare skin.

Don't let life pass you by, get Naked.
What do you think? What are you favorite Hyperlapses you've seen come out from your favorite brands? Leave the videos in the comments.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Getting Ready for TEDxDetroit 2014!

TEDxDetroit 2014 is one week away!

To celebrate and to get people excited, the great people of TEDxDetroit has reached out to past attendees and see what everyone is most excited about.  Today they featured my interview on the TEDxDetroit blog.

Name: Katelyn Davis

Twitter Handle: @katelynshelby

How many TEDx events have you been to? This will be my third TEDx event that I have attended. Ever since the first one I attended, I’ve been hooked.

What are you looking forward to at this year’s event? Besides the speakers and the amazingness that is TEDxDetroit, I always look forward to meeting new people. My first year I went alone, but I met some great people who also attended alone. We kept in touch and the next year we met up again at the event and added some new people to our group. This year we’re all looking forward to expanding our group and continue to meet new people!

What was the best part of TEDxDetroit 2013? The best part of all the TEDxDetroit events is the contagious energy and passion. You can feel the excitement when you walk in the door. Everyone you meet has true passion and commitment for what they are involved with and when you leave, you leave inspired to feel the same way about something in your own life.

What advice would you give to a first time TEDx attendee? Come ready and prepared to meet and hear from some amazing minds. From the speakers to the attendees, every person you will come across has a story and is more than happy to share it with you. It’s enlightening. Also, there always seems to be a lot of surprises in store at TEDxDetroit!

If you are attending TEDxDetroit, please let me know... I'd love to meet up!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Top 4 Reasons You Can’t Miss the Michigan Automotive Summit

Tomorrow I'll be attending MICHauto's Michigan Automotive Summit for the second year in a row.

Last year after attending the first ever, Michigan Automotive Summit (MAS) I published a blog called Why You Should Rethink a Career in Automotive, which continues to be read and shared all over Michigan, the industry, and beyond. During last year's event is really when I became highly engaged in the automotive industry and from then on, I have been preaching its wonders!

The day-long MICHauto Summit, held on Tuesday, September 23, will showcase the talent, R&D, and supply chain that drives Michigan’s automotive industry from concept to consumer. Check out the top four reasons why you can’t miss this event:

1. Hear from Experts in the Automotive Industry
Attendees will get a feel for the state of the automotive industry in Michigan through panel discussions and keynote speakers such as Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan; Ralph Gilles, President and CEO, Motorsports; Senior Vice President, Product Design, Chrysler Group LLC; Mark Reuss, Vice President of Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain, General Motors Co.; Andy Ridgway, President, IAV Automotive Engineering, Inc.; and Michigan Govenor Rick Snyder.

2. Witness the Next Generation of Automotive Talent
Get a first look at the future of Michigan’s automotive industry at the ‘Michigan at Work‘ display, sponsored by Ford Motor Company, featuring some of the state’s top students and organizations engaged in the automotive industry. Browse clay model designs for Michigan’s OEMs, 3-D printing and robotics demonstrations from the College for Creative Studies, TechShop Detroit, and Square One Education Network.

3. Get Up Close With 10 ‘Made in Michigan’ Vehicles
The ‘Made in Michigan’ display features vehicles that are designed, engineered, and/or manufactured in Michigan. Sponsored by Pure Michigan and developed in partnership with the Detroit Auto Dealers Association (DADA), the display is debuting at the Summit. Located in the Summit exhibit and foyer areas, the display features 10 vehicles by Chrysler Group LLC., Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co., Nissan North America, Inc., and Toyota Motor Corp.

4. Help Put Michigan Back to Work

Building off of programs at other Chamber events, the MICHauto Summit will showcase three veterans looking to become leaders in Michigan’s workforce and IAV Automotive Engineering, Inc. is sponsoring students from five metro Detroit universities to attend the Summit and learn about career opportunities that exist in the industry.

If you cannot attend...

I will be providing live coverage through the MICHauto Twitter and Instagram accounts of all the speakers and activities taking place throughout the day. You can follow the event online at

If you happen to be attending, stop by and say HI!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Vinted: Best This to Happen Since the Invention of Shopping Malls

My name is Katelyn and I am a shopaholic. There I said it. No shame. I love it.

When I was looking to buy a home, no closet was big enough to hold my haul. So when I finally purchased a house, I turned all my closets into storage areas and built a beautifully gigantic closet in the basement.

But I have to be honest, I don't wear all of it.

After every season I pick out all the pieces I didn't wear that season and most of them I throw in a bag to donate. But now that I've been in the corporate world for awhile, I'm starting to replace a lot of my business basics and I started to look for a better way to get rid of them and find new items at a great price.

Introducing, Vinted!

I am absolutely obsessed with Vinted.com. If you haven't already checked it out, Vinted is a dedicated to a peer-to-peer marketplace for women and men to sell, buy and swap clothes. It allows members to communicate directly and has the features of a social networking service.

First off, a big thank you to Facebook Ads for introducing me to vinted.com.

How It Works

You can sell or swap things you no longer wear, and give your clothing and accessories a new life in the hands of someone else. Iff you feel like you need to update your own wardrobe, you can buy or swap pieces from other members' "closets."

All you have to do is take a few pictures of the item you want to sell, write a detailed description, and price it fairly. With the Vinted messaging system, it’s very easy to negotiate and bundle with buyers/sellers. When a deal has been made, Vinted emails you a prepaid shipping label (paid for by the buyer), and all you have to do is package the item up get it in the mail by either dropping it off at the post office or by scheduling a USPS free pickup.


I was very surprised at how reasonable Vinted is for both the sellers and buyers. Accounts are free and there are NO fees for listing an item, instead each time you make a sale a 19% fee is taken out of the total price. Vinted is very upfront with this fee. When you’re adding the item for sale, you get to see what your final payment will be with the 19% fee already taken out.

Is It Worth It?

I created my free account earlier this week, and have already sold a hot pink blazer (that I only wore once before my mom called me a flight attendant) and I swapped a hardly ever used Kenneth Cole tote bag for two brand Banana Republic sweaters, brand new with tags still attached, and a scarf.

So yes, it's worth it. I've been able to start refreshing my wardrobe for fall without spending any money (I actually made money). I know it seems counterintuitive to be minimizing my closet by also getting new items but you can't pass up the deals!

My favorite feature is that you can shop by brand then narrow it down to your size. I'm finding great deals on business casual clothes from H&M, Banana Republic, The Limited, Express, and Ann Taylor that I would have otherwise spent and arm and a leg on!

Try It!

If you're interested in giving it a try, whether it is to just shop or sell (or both), I highly recommend using my referral link below (or http://www.vinted.com/referral/2036947). By using the referral link to sign up you will receive a $5.00 complimentary credit (and so will I) so it's most definitely worth it!

You can also visit my closet here!

As of January 2014, it had 3 million members and 14 million listings on free iOS and Android apps.

It is available in the United States on Vinted.com, the United Kingdom on Vinted.co.uk, Germany on Kleiderkreisel.de, France on Vinted.fr, Austria on Kleiderkreisel.at, Poland on Vinted.pl, Czech Republic on Votocvohoz.cz, and Lithuania on Vinted.lt.

Friday, September 12, 2014

9 Inspirational Tips for Brands

Never underestimate the incredible power well-orchestrated branding efforts can do for any company.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Key Facts about Detroit's Tech Hub

Just as Detroit is rebranding itself as a city, its tech community is also on to something new. Detroit is starting to recieve more and more national recognition for its new and ever-growing tech hub in addition to its rebounding, technologically advanced automotive industry. 

If you continue to doubt that Michigan, Detroit in particular, is the new epicenter for technological development then maybe these statistics will change your mind.

These statistics come from Automation Alley, a technology business association and business accelerator dedicated to growing the economy of Southeast Michigan and enhancing the region’s reputation around the world. Automation Alley offers talent and business development programs and services to tech-focused businesses of all sizes — from startups to large corporations — to help them grow and prosper.

Since its founding in 1999, Automation Alley’s membership has grown to include nearly 1,000 businesses, educational institutions, government entities and nonprofit organizations from the city of Detroit and the surrounding eight-county region. Automation Alley provides a variety of exclusive benefits to its members to help them succeed, including networking opportunities, meeting space and public relations tools. Automation Alley also serves the general business community in five key areas: entrepreneurial services, talent development, international business services, product lifecycle management, and defense and manufacturing.

Automation Alley collaborates with regional partners to provide its members and clients with the best business resources available, to drive local economic growth, and to positively influence the stories being told around the globe about the people and businesses of Greater Detroit.


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