Thursday, January 3, 2013

Facebook Mobile Advertising

Have you noticed advertising starting to pop up on your FB mobile app feed?

It was once the only place we were safe from Facebook's never-ceasing attempts to bombard us with advertising but now nowhere is safe!

To be honest, we all new this was coming... Facebook had to do something to make a buck and bring that stock back up!

How do you feel about the new ads littering your mobile feed?


  1. Like everything else with technology, applications have to have some sort of funding. No longer are the restaurants, business establishments and other entrepreneurs rely on the good old sandwich boards. You cannot deny that it does not bring that same irritation of advert pop ups.

    1. Thomas,
      Thanks for replying (and reading). You're right, everyone has to make a buck somewhere to survive. But you can't blame be for being frustrated though!



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