Monday, March 11, 2013

26 by 26

Just over a month past due... but it's always better to be late than never, right?

I think this same scenario happened last year, my friend Annie's blog reminded me that it was my birthday and I should set some goals for myself. So here they are, my 26 goals by my 26th birthday...

  1. Plant a garden
  2. Hit 1,000 followers on Twitter
  3. Attend a Murder Mystery dinner
  4. Create a documentary
  5. Take a glass blowing class
  6. Adopt a dog
  7. Start saving for a vacation overseas with the boyf
  8. Enroll in another graduate program
  9. Build a private yoga oasis in my house
  10. Take my dog hiking
  11. Be happy
  12. Learn to cook better (or at all)
  13. Eat healthy and take my vitamins
  14. Learn to use power tools (safely)
  15. Volunteer more
  16. Install solar panels or wind turbines at my house
  17. Get my picture taken with Grumpy Cat
  18. Attend another TED event
  19. Live more simply
  20. Spend more time outdoors
  21. Start the classes to become a yoga instructor
  22. Have an ice cream social with home-made ice cream
  23. Run a marathon... just kidding
  24. Rewatch all of Lost
  25. Pay the rest of my student loan off in full
  26. Be part of something big!

And here is how I did on my 25 by 25 in the last year...
  1. Purchase my first home - CHECK! Biggest accomplishment to date!
  2. Start a social media video podcast - Check out Social Media Meltdown
  3. Get a dog, preferably a Siberian Husky - Have you seen my beautiful baby?!
  4. Attend a local tweetup - No, and now that I think about it I'm not even sure this sounds like fun
  5. Start saving for a luxurious vacation overseas with my boyfriend - This happened but then I decided to buy a house and he decided to pay off student loans so now our savings is back at zero... but it still counts!
  6. Launch a lifestyle blog with my friends - We did. Then it died? Totally still counts.
  7. Take a pottery class - I wish
  8. Hit 20,000 tweets - I'm at 22,550!
  9. Attend a weekly yoga class - I attened a lot of yoga classes this year of all types!
  10. Visit the gym twice a week - For awhile I attended frequently...
  11. Start seriously working on the documentary I dream to create - Still a dream of mine.
  12. Hit 1,000 followers on Twitter - Nope, at 734
  13. Go on a vacation with my girl friends - I had to back out of the girls Vegas trip because I was running my own business and at the time I couldn't afford to leave my work for that many days, plus I was in uber house-saving mode since closing was getting close!
  14. Attend a Murder Mystery dinner - Must. Do. This.
  15. Purge my life of un-needed and un-wanted belongings; De-clutter my life - When I moved into the new house I ended up getting rid of a lot of unnecessary things.
  16. Go hiking in a rural forest area of Michigan's Upper Peninsula known for its many waterfalls - So much fun! The boyf and I went over the summer and loved every second of it!
  17. Create more content on the internet (i.e., blogs, video, podcasts, etc.) - check!
  18. Bring in more freelance business - I've taken on a lot of new customers and this year my largest and longest running client hired me in as a full time employee so that was exciting!
  19. Learn to schedule my time more efficiently - Yes, but it still needs work!
  20. Host an ice cream social with my friends where we make ice cream from scratch - This still sounds like a good idea
  21. Be on TV (even if it's just for a second) - nope :(
  22. Start a trending topic on Twitter - failed.
  23. Pick up more guest blogging gigs - Not as many as I wanted to.
  24. Be tweeted at by someone famous - Not even close
  25. Fine tune my video editing skills - I have Vine...

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