Thursday, November 5, 2015

Don't know what to do? Ask Twitter!

Last week Twitter announced that you would soon be able to poll your followers and other users on the platform with a multiple choice question.

If you want the public’s opinion on something — what to name your dog, who will win tonight’s game, which election issue people care about most — there’s no better place to look than on Twitter.

For poll creators, this is a great new way to engage with Twitter’s massive audience and understand exactly what people think. And for those participating, it’s a very easy way to make your voice heard.

Here's how it works: 
  1. Select the icon you would normally click to compose a tweet (this functionality will be available on OSX, Android, and desktop when it is fully rolled out).
  2. From there you can click the poll icon which will allow you to create your own two-choice poll right from the compose box.

  3. Type your question into the Compose New Tweet box and add your carefully selected two choices into the lines below.
  4. When you're finished, click Tweet!
Once you click Tweet, your poll will remain live for 24 hours. Anyone can vote on any poll and how you voted is not shared publicly. They can also choose to share, favorite, and comment on the poll using the @Reply function.
So here's my question to you...

My Thoughts

  • Much needed addition. Although in the past Twitter has offered a few ways to participate in and conduct polls by tweeting questions and tracking replies, tallying hashtag votes, or asking followers to favorite or retweet to vote it was difficult and time consuming.
  • Poll choices are kept short. I know Twitter is the king of short-hand but the character limit for the poll responses are so short it's annoying.
  • Not enough choices. Two choices?! I'm not saying that there needs to be an unlimted amount of selections but there definitely needs to be more than two. The way it stands there isn't even room for a Yes, No, Maybe option!
Give it a try and let me know what you think! I'm looking forward to see how these polls pan out for brands and individuals alike!

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