Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Developing Film

This weekend I went on vacation with my boyfriend and, of course, my digital camera ended up being on the fritz!

Instead of buying a new digital camera without doing extensive research like I usually do when buying new gadgets, I opted to buy a $9 disposable camera.

We had fun and I took pictures all weekend with the disposable camera with no problems--besides he unnerving feeling of not being able to review the photo you just took.

Once I came home, I took the camera to the local Meijer where (5 years ago) I took all my filmed to be developed from school dances and events. Much to my surprise, the photo lab attendant turned me away explaining that Meijer no longer develops film. They only print digital prints. I was flabbergasted. If I wanted them to develop this camera they would have to send it out and I would have to wait several weeks to have it processed.

I suddenly felt so old for using a technology that has basically died. Why don't I just bust out my VCR and rewind some VHSs while I'm at it!

Anyway, back to my story... After some hunting I found out that a select few CVS stores still develop film in-house.

So good luck to any of your dinosaurs that don't develop your own film! Pretty soon there will be no convient ways to developing it. Go Digital!

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