Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MediaSource: The PR & Marketer's Guide to Brand Journalism

Here is a great white paper that came out of Ragan Communication's 2nd Annual Social Media for Public Relations and Corporate Communications Conference last week!

From those of us that attended the conference know how important Brand Journalism is for companies.

In this summary Lisa Arledge Powell, MediaSource, has provided us with an excellent summary of what defines the practice of Brand Journalism, how it is essential to the success of modern organizational public relations and marketing and how to effectively leverage the practice to build brand value and maximize ROI.

Brand Journalism is one of the top trends in PR and marketing. Technologies such as digital TV, mobile internet and social media have transformed how consumers engage and evaluate credible, newsworthy content. The ability to understand and leverage Brand Journalism is critical to modern organizations that wish to build brand value and influence consumer choice to increase returns on marketing dollars spent.

For those who have interest in building and leveraging Brand Journalism, I highly recommend this white paper.

You can download The PR & Marketer's Guide to Brand Journalism for free, here.

1 comment:

  1. The media sources have the very good effect on the brand journalism. The companies are rather than hiring the PR firm to write press releases and pitch to a journalist, the companies now use the advanced opportunities is an internet, now a company are directly communicated to their customers by using the storytelling Journalist training and development style.



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